Conference Proceedings will be published in a special issue of Physica Status Solidi (c). Selected papers will be considered for publication in Physica Status Solidi (a) following a double peer-review process.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, on the latest by June 20th 2012.
Extension of the deadline for manuscripts submission to Tuesday July 31st, midnight (Central European Time).
General guidelines for authors
General author instructions with links to the template/style packages valid for pss (a), (b), and (c)
are available at:
Published articles will be restricted to 4 journal pages for contributed and 6 for invited.
Please use either the Word or LaTeX template, especially for publication in pss (c), since articles will be
produced from the publication-ready manuscript files. In addition, it is the easiest and most accurate way to
check page limits.
Please do not modify any pre-settings in the manuscript templates/style file such as font sizes, margins, and
other formats, to avoid an incorrect layout of your publication. Manuscripts which use the template incorrectly may
be returned to the authors by the Guest Editors or the Editorial Office.
Manuscript submission
If you already have an ID and a password for this system, use them to log in. If not, register by clicking on
the respective link (right side – New User?)
Please note that your login information is CASE SENSITIVE.
Should you forget your access information use the "password help" section on the website.
Once you are logged in you may submit your contribution by clicking on Author Center